I’m leaving..

Peeps, I’m still alive.. I’ve had a few people asking me why I have been off the blogging scene lately. Everything is fine. I have just been very busy. The reason being.. I am moving back home after spending 3.5 years in the Queen’s country. So, everything is sold. Cars, furniture etc.. (mostly done ONLINE!!) 🙂 and I’m going to spend the next few days in London , to savour one last time.. the ‘london thing’ .

Thanks XR.com <– pretty cool to spread the word if you need to sell something quickly. I  used XR.com/BuyMyCar which I forwarded to my friends and acquaintances. (Let me know if you are selling yours, I’ll redirect it to the online ad- page)

Where am I going?  Home, which, for me is ..  Delicious Mauritius. Tons of plans in my head that I’m trying to put on paper. – and hopefully online soon 🙂

I have been busy building one of my domains as well. The guinea pig was thebestVODKAintheworld.com and I’ve been surprised by the result and the response. Thanks to those who got involved by voting! I can say I’ve learned a LOT about Vodkas lately, brands I didn’t know existed, and How Marketing clearly influence people depending on where you are in the world. (that’ll have to be another post!) .

I also learned about the power of a developed domain. thebestVODKAintheworld.com was in my portfolio for a couple of years with almost zero traffic since I hand -regged it, and now.. it has a nice trickle of visitors everyday + a few Vodka companies are watching it 🙂   . So,.. go vote if you haven’t yet 🙂 Thanks.

I admit being tempted to add Google adwords on the site to monetize it, but I didn’t . I do not like sites serving google ads. Sorry if I’m going to offend anyone here, but for me, a website serving such ads lose their professional touch instantly (just my honest humble opinion)..

I am still investigating ways to monetize thebestVODKAintheworld.com though. Maybe selling the links on the result page? or offering banner ads ? .. We’ll see..

From what I’ve seen so far, Americans seem to prefer the Goose! 🙂

Anyway, back to Delicious Mauritius. Yes, I did manage to get the .com after a long cat-and-mouse game ! I secured the domain name lately and be sure I’m gonna make something out of it 🙂

Delicious Mauritius is how the media  has been calling my country (Mauritius) the last few years – mainly in Europe-. And indeed , it is a Delicious place to be.  If you’ve heard of Mark Twain, maybe you are familiar with one of his famous writings,  Following The Equator . He wrote “You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first and then heaven, and that heaven was copied after Mauritius.”

That says it all! 🙂

So yes, I am moving back to some warmer temperatures. I really did enjoy my time in the UK, and will surely miss all my friends (and the Snow!) . Bless the internet, to keep in touch!

So here it is,.. my last post from the UK. Next time you hear from me it’s going to be from Mauritius, Indian Ocean. I just hope it doesn’t take long to sort out a decent internet connection once there !!

Happy Easter!



PS: please do let me know if ever you are planning a visit 😉

here’s a recent article written by Andy Moreton of Luxique.com . I like this one too, but unfortunately I do not have ‘the best JOB in the world.com’

One Response to I’m leaving..

  1. Alan says:

    Your quote “website serving such ads lose their professional touch instantly” .. could not say it better myself. Congrats on the move!

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